Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my first movie review

Brainstorm-The Shawshank Redemption:
  1. a film elaborated on a short story
  2. in an old prison
  3. violence
  4. intriging
  5. corruption in prison
  6. language
  7. confusing story line
  8. escape form prison
  9. mindblowing when it all makes sense at the end
  10. happy ending
  11. great actors
  12. suspense throughout the whole film
  13. how tim robbins asks for the rock hammer
  14. how it is rebellious when he plays the record player in the wardens office
  15. Morgan Freeman is the 'Man Who Can Get You Things.'
Review-The Shawshank Redemption:

The Shawshank Redemtion is one of my alltime favorite movies. I think the acting by some of the main characters is phenomonal. Some of my favorites are Tim Robbins (Andy Dufresne), Morgan Freeman (Red), Clancy Brown (Captain Hadley), and James Whitmore (Brooks). I really enjoy how the story line goes into so much depth about how corrupt the prison is. Even though Andy Dufresne has been covicted for committing double murder, he knows he is innocent and throughout the movie you realize that he is indeed innocent. What i really like about this film is that it not only focuses on Andy, but on so many other things at the same time that end up relating to his escape. My favorite part of this movie in no doubt the ending when you realize how the rock hammer, posters, and him helping the warden all relate to him escaping in the end. I think that it is really cool how Stephen King started this story as an 80-page short story but when made into a movie, it is two and a half hours long. The movie provides so much detail and i feel that most of the time the books show more detail than the movies. The Shawshank Redemption is an amazing movie.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Siddhartha Blog

 I believe hat in the book Siddhartha, there are many spiritual scenes that relate to everyday life and religion today. Firstly, in life, I believe that if you want something, you have to work for it. Siddhartha says "I will stand and wait" to his father after he tells his father what he really wants is to leave home and join the Samanas (page 11). Siddhartha really wants to leave and go with the Samanas and he works for that want against his father by standing and waiting and being patient, which is used a lot throughout the story and can relate to everyday life because you won't just get what you want you have to work for it. Secondly, in religion I believe that you need to not care what other people think about it. Siddhartha says to Govinda "Tomorrow at daybreak I will begin the life of the Samanas. Let us not discuss it again" (page 10). Govinda and Siddhartha are both sons of Brahmins and they have known each other their entire lives and when Siddhartha suddenly says that he wants to leave for his religion, Govinda doesnt want him to leave but Siddhartha is planning on leaving with or without Govinda because he doesn't care if people judge him about his religion which is important about religion today.Besides these two examples from the book Siddhartha about life and religion, there are many more throughout the rest of the story.