Sunday, December 12, 2010

Macbeth. Being A Man.

1.) Quote:
Lady Macbeth
"Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full, of dirtiest cruelty.  Make thick my blood. Stop up th' access and passage to remorse"
(Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 48-51)

What Lady Macbeth is saying is that she wants to be more like a man and less like a woman. She wants this by the blood in her brains to be thicker, and her body to be filled with cruelty from head to toe.

She feels as though a woman can not be as cruel as a man, so she wants to be more of a man so she does not feel remorse. She wants to be so cruel and so manly that no human being will will be able to stop her.

2.) Quote:
"He Only lived but till he was a man, the which no sooner had his prowess confirmed in the unshrinking station he fought, but like a man he died." (Act 5, Scene 8, Lines 45-48)

In this quote Ross is saying that his son was indeed a man and this was proven by fighting like one. the only problem is that as soon as he was able to prove his manliness, he died like a soldier.

This is a sad and happy quote because what was wanted was accomplished, and what was accomplished was followed immediately by death. His son proved that he was a man and he ended up dying like one immediately after which, is saying that what is wanted in life is not always the most important. 

3.) Quote:
"Be comforted.  Let's make us med'cines of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief." 
(Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 252-254)

Here Malcolm is saying to be comforted and use the revenge for good. They will use this great revenge to make the grieving for their lost loved ones less hard.

If someone i was very close to were murdered, i would feel obliged to get revenge. I do not agree with Malcolm though because if i killed the killer, than that makes me worse than him and all of the guilt is on me. Two wrongs do not make a right.

4.) Quote:
"Be this the whetstone of your sword.  Let grief convert to anger.  Blunt not the heart; enrage it."
(Act 4, Scene 3, Lines 268-269)

Malcolm is saying that he should not grieve but be angry instead. He is also saying not to blunt the heart but use its rage for revenge.

If someone that your close to is murdered, you would be very upset. Malcolm is saying to be  man and be angry instead and get revenge.

5.) Quote:

"Why should I play the Roman fool and die On mine own sword? Whiles I see lives, the gashes Do better upon them"
(Act 5, Scene 8, Lines 1-5)

Macbeth is saying that it is pointless to kill himself with his own sword in battle. Romans would kill themselves before being killed and Macbeth thinks it is foolish.

If I were Macbeth, I would do the same thing. If you are willing to take the risk of battle, fight until the death of the enemy upon you, otherwise you are fighting for nothing.

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