Friday, March 4, 2011



One similarity was how it showed the cleaning of the guns because then you have a visual of what the different parts of a gun look like. Another similarity is how Restrepo died on the helicopter and someone (I can’t remember who) also dies on the helicopter in Fallen the book and movie. Also in the book, people get in “fights” but they’re not that big of a deal and this also happened in Restrepo which shows how in war, everyone gets along well. I think that one of the most significant similarities was how they played chess/checkers a lot which shows that even though it gets boring after awhile, they don’t have anything else to do. In the book it Angels. One thing that I noticed right away in both the movie and the book was how the new people are kind of in denial about how bad war really is, then when they see action they know what it’s really like. Another huge thing I noticed that I made a huge connection with was how there wasn’t only fighting but they also went on pacification missions to the locals. Another thing about the pacification missions is that the locals didn’t necessarily know how to use American things, like an Afghan didn’t know how to put the straw in a juice box. Besides just the war aspects though, there were other things like how the barracks were called “hooches” in both talks a lot about not only sending letters home, but sending some sort of gift home also; in the book Perry sends home his purple hearts and in the movie the guy with the hat send a letter with drawings of the mountains. Overall, the most important thing was how the soldiers dealt with their fallen soldiers. In the book the were respectful and covered them with blankets and they did the same thing in the movie which shows how serious it all is.


I have learned a lot about war from both the book and movie. The book described certain things and then the movie showed examples of it. I was kind of like a P.I.E. paragraph but with different forms of examples. One of the main things I learned was that all the soldiers who have never met each other before but they are all in it together. Also, there wasn’t only shooting, but also lots of talking with the locals and time just sitting around. In Fallen Angels they went on pacification missions and in Restrepo the talked about a dead cow. All of these things show how serious war is and always will be.

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