Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laden's Death

I think that his death is one of the most historic events of the century. I think that it brings our nation together, and brings pride and hope to America. I feel like this is a trigger effect of war, similar to World War I. It started with an assassination of a political figure, and it kept escalating with alliances until it was an all out war. Because of this, I feel that the death of Osama bin Laden is almost a mistake. The reason I feel this way is because when al-Qaeda retaliates, it is going to be big and it is going to be bad. I think that once they do retaliate, we will also retaliate, and alliances with both sides will get involved and it will start World War III. However, I also think that this can be linked directly to Harry Potter, and also Star Wars. Obama is Harry and Luke, while Bush is Dumbledore and Obi Wan Kenobi. Osama bin Laden is Voldemort and the Sith (in general). When Bush's term was up, Obama came in, and when Dumbledore and Obi Wan died, Harry and Luke came in. TeThroughout both stories, there are events between the pro/an-tagonists and in the end of it all, Osama bin Laden, Voldemort, and the Sith are destroyed. I feel that in general, the whole conspiracy with ObL directly relates to the Hero's Path/Mono-myth. Besides all of the events of the past and upcoming future, we need to concentrate on what is going on in the Present. Right now, Americans, Republicans and Democrats are together because of these recent events. Our nation has put aside it's differences and has focused on America being one country as a whole. I absolutely am glad that ObL is deceased, but I am nervous about the future and the war in the years to come.

-Zach Gardner

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