Thursday, February 24, 2011

evaluation of movie clips

I really liked how right from the beginhning, it has interesting lighting effects. before i thought nothing of it, but now i can tell that there was lighting either coming from underneath or reflecting off the table on to them. it really adds a casino sort of effect. Also, there is somewhat unique camera work. i think that in some parts it looks like a handheld camera to show a point of view, but also a regular camera to tell a story. I also noticed a lot of match on action camera work when multiple people were talking, not just two.

This is one of my favorite movies and i really like how it has a great example of parallel editing when it shows the FBI agents going to Buffalo Bills house and it also shows Buffalo Bill inside the house. This is significant because it shows the two main opposing forces of good and evil coming together for the dramatic ending of the movie. But there is a big twist! The way the camera work is edited, we think they are at the same place when we hear the doorbell but really they are at completely different houses. You realize this when it shows one guy at the door, but Clarice goes in. It is ful of suspense and the lighting and camera works add a lot of effect and emotion.

Since this movie is about Mozart, it makes sense that there would be a lot of music effects. The first things i noticed was how the piano/harpiscord goes inbetween diagetic and nondiagetic. The way it does this is by showing the music playing at regular time, but then switching to something else and it suddenly becomes background music. And it goes back and forth. also, when he is playing something else and suddenly the other man starts singing is interesting and very effectful.

This clip was very short, but had a lot of things we learned about. It had a lot of backlighting and it was very shadowy. Also, the first time the camera move it is a pan over a wall. The last part was showing the three different sides(rule of threes) and how the depth works. On the left, there was a man far away, on the right, a woman close by, and in the middle, a large fire far away to focus on. Also, the whole shot was one big long take and it had a soft light to it which really makes you interested in what will happen next. There isnt a lot of talking so it makes you think for yourself.

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