Friday, February 4, 2011

Slaughterhouse-5 Blog

Essay Improvement-
  1. Put more depth into elaboration sentences
  2. Have a more relative intrpductory quote
  3. Have an effective restated thesis
  4. Have an effective concluding statement
  5. Have a strong topic to write about
  6. Make sure of proper grammer and punctuation
  7. Find appropriate quotes that fit theme of essay
  8. Have a clear expression of the main point
  9. Use an effective quote to correctly illustrate the main point
  10. Have an effective explanation of the quote relating to the main idea
Thoughts about Slaughterhouse-5-
  1. The original three dimensions make sense to humans because thats the way we see it on Earth
  2. It was interesting how Tralfamadorians see Time as the fourth dimension because humans don't see it like that
  3. How Billy talks about the Tralfamadorians AFTER the plane crash is significant because he could just be crazy
  4. The book really makes you think about how time works
  5. it is significant how when Billy's wife dies it just says "So it goes"
  6. How the story revolves around three different times in Billy's life is interesting
  7. i think it is interesting how little detail there is about what the Tralfamadorians look like
  8. i think it is funny that Billy is kept in a zoo on Tralfamadore
  9. i think it is also funny how the Tralfamadorians are green, what most people would picture an alien to be
  10. it is also funny how "zillion" is apparently a made up number but the Tralfamadorians live over a zillion lightyears away from earth
  11. I think that it makes you think about death and how real it really is
  12. i really like how it talks about scenes of world war II
  13. i think it is intrigueing how tralfamadorians have five sexes when humans only have two
  14. I think it is suspenseful when it talks about billy's friend's execution
  15. the book makes you wondre what sort of afterlife there is, if there even is one
Themes of Slaughterhouse-5-
  1. Death is not as important as we see it
  2. There could be other lifeforms in the universe
  3. Time travel can be possible to a certain extent
  4. we relive the significant times in our lives in the afterlife
  5. time is the fourth dimension of the universe

B- Are you scared of death?
Z- A little yeah
B-its nothing to be scared of, its just part of everything else.
Z-well okay.... did it hurt a lot?
B-there was nothing painful at all. except for the mere feeling of knowing that you won't exist except for in the past, which is what i learned from the Tralfamadorians.
Z-so if i thought really hard about a past memory of you, i could relive it with you?
B-Not quite, if you and i were both dead, then yes, we would be able to relive memories from the past. the really significant memories of our life.
Z-Thanks! now i understand what you mean!

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